Creating a Calming Bedtime Routine for Dementia Caregivers

Join Dr. Naomi Dongelmans in exploring a calming bedtime routine tailored for dementia caregivers. Find out how simple changes like setting a regular bedtime, reducing technology use, and practising gratitude can lead to more restful nights and energized days. A must-read for every caregiver.


Mastering Organisation in Dementia Care

Blog sundowning and dementia
In dementia caregiving, staying organized is key to providing the best possible care. Our latest blog post delves into the world of organization, offering practical strategies to help you navigate the complexities of caring for a loved one with dementia. From creating caregiving plans to efficiently tracking essential information, we've got you covered. Plus, we emphasize the importance of prioritizing your own well-being in the process. Read our blog to gain valuable insights and make your caregiving journey smoother and more effective.


The Power of Routine: How to Enhance Health and Wellness

Blog sundowning and dementia
Discover the transformative power of routine in our latest guide. Learn how establishing a consistent daily pattern can enhance your health, wellness, and overall quality of life. From morning rituals to nightly wind-down practices, explore how routine helps in stress management, improved sleep, and better decision-making.


Developing morning habits to combat stress

Blog develop morning habits to combat stressDo you know that practicing a good morning routine can save you from unnecessary stress and anxiety? And the most effective thing is to take approaches to make your mornings enjoyable, memorable, and stress-free for you.